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Lady Lane Park School
and Nursery

Term Dates

Lady Lane Park School Term Dates


Academic Year 2023 - 2024

Autumn 2023 Term Dates

School Opens - Tuesday 5th September

School Closes for Half Term - Friday 13th October

School Re-Opens - Monday 30th October

School Closes for Christmas - Friday 16th December


Spring 2024 Term Dates

School Opens - Thursday 4th January

School Closes for Half Term - Friday 9th February

School Re-Opens - Monday 19th February

School Closes for Easter - Friday 22nd March


Summer 2024 Term Dates

School Opens - Monday 8th April

May day bank holiday - Monday 6th May

School Closes for Half Term - Friday 17th May

School Re-Opens - Monday 3rd June

School Closes - Friday 5th July


Please note school will always close at 3.30pm on the last day of both full and half terms and our creche facilities will be available.


For 2024/2025 term dates, please click here.